Title: An Art Not Yet Perfected Author: Temari778 Fandom: Kill la Kill Pairing: Mako/Satsuki Rating: PG Prompt: Fireplace Word Count: 100 Requested by minus-seven
Title: Roadside Author: Temari788 Fandom: Kill La Kill Pairing: Mako/Ryuko Rating: PG Word Count: 130 Prompt: Support Summary: Some people were just more sturdy than others.
Title: Use Your Blade For Me Author: Temari778 Fandom: Kill La Kill Pairing: Ryuko/Satsuki Rating: PG Word Count: 160 Prompt: Destroy Summary: What they see is what they think.
Title: A Symphony Author: Temari778 Fandom: Kill La Kill Pairing: Satsuki/Jakuzure Rating: G Word Count: 160 Prompt: Music Summary: Music that soothes the heart, even Satsuki's.
Title: Hemmed Prompt: #426 Skirt Fandom: Kill La Kill Pairing: Satsuki/Ryuko Rating: NC-17 Word count: 250 Notes: Set after the finale, public sex, incest